How to Fill the Form
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 The symbol (*) indicates mandatory fields.
Personal Details
Salutation * Select the appropriate option.
Candidate�s Given Name (should exactly match the HSC/SSC Mark Sheet)    * Enter your First Name exactly as printed in your HSC/SSC Mark sheet.
Candidate's Middle Name Enter your Middle Name, if any.
Candidate�s Last Name (should exactly match the HSC/ SSC Mark Sheet)    * Enter your Last Name exactly as printed in your HSC/SSC Mark sheet.
Gender   * Select the appropriate option.
Nationality * Select your Nationality. Select Others if you are a Foreign National.
Father's Name (should exactly match the HSC / SSC Mark Sheet) * Enter your Father's Name exactly as printed in your HSC / SSC mark-sheet. Enter initials if the Father's name is mentioned with initials on the mark-sheet.
Mother's Name (in full) * Enter your Mother's complete name here.
Date of Birth * The format is dd-mmm-yyyy (e.g..19-Feb-1981).
Note: You may select your date of birth by clicking on the calendar icon. Select the year first, followed by month and the date.
Age as on 31/12/2010* The system will automatically calculate your age as on 31/12/2010.
Photo Identity Proof (Carry the same for NMAT-2011, else you will not be allowed to Test) * Select the Identity proof you have and will be able to carry with you for taking NMAT-2011.
Note: Learner�s Driving license is not allowed.
Signature Proof (Carry the same for NMAT-2011, else you will not be permitted for the Test) * Select the Identity proof you have and will be able to carry with you for taking NMAT-2011.
Note: Learner�s Driving license is not allowed.
Academic Background * Select your relevant education type. Select OTHERS if your academic background is not listed.
If others, Please specify. If you selected OTHERS in Academic background, you are required to enter your Academic Background here.
Nature of Work Experience* Select the relevant option.
No. of Months of Work Experience Select total number of months of work experience that you have completed.
Category * Select the category that you belong to. Select GENERAL if you are a Foreign National.
Are you a Differently Abled candidate (Person with Disability)?  * Select YES if you have any disability and NO if you do not.
Please mention your Disability
Your Disability  * Select the disability you have, if you have selected YES in the above option. You will be required to provide Disability Certificate in case you need any support at the Test Center.
If others, please specify Enter your disability here, if you chose OTHERS in above.
Present Address for Correspondence
Address Line 1 * Enter the Door number, Apartment number of your present address.
Address Line 2 Enter the street name of your present address.
Address Line 3 Enter the locality name of your present address.
State * Select the state where you are presently located. Select Others (International) in case you are presently living in a country other than India. 
City * Select the city where you are presently located. Select Others (International) in case you are presently living in a country other than India.
Pin code / Zip Code * Enter numeric characters only (0-9). Do not leave spaces in between.
Phone Number (e.g. 9122876543210) * Enter the contact number along with ISD, STD code at your present address or where you can most easily be reached.Do not leave any space in between.
Mobile Number Enter your mobile number that you can be contacted on, if required.
Primary E-mail * Enter your e-mail address: for e.g. [email protected]. All communications will be sent on this e-mail including your payment confirmation and scheduling details. Do not use anybody else�s e-mail id.
Re-type Primary E-mail * Re-enter the primary e-mail provided above.
Alternate E-mail If you have any other e-mail account, you can fill the e-mail address here for the same.
Re-type Alternate E-mail Re-enter the alternate e-mail provided above.
Is Your Present Address same as
Permanent Address? *
If your Present Address is same as your permanent address. Select Yes. If it is NO, you have to fill your permanent address in the fields that appear.
Permanent Address (If different from above)
Address Line 1 * Enter the Door number, Apartment number of your permanent address.
Address Line 2 Enter the street name of your permanent address.
Address Line 3 Enter the locality name of your permanent address.
State * Select the state  where you have your permanent residence. Select Others (International) in case your permanent residence is in a country other than India.
City * Enter the city where you have permanent residence. Enter Others (International) in case you have your permanent address located in a country other than India.
Pin code / Zip Code * Enter numeric characters only (0-9). Do not leave spaces in between.
Education Details
X/SSC Percentage * Enter the percentage obtained in tenth class. Do not round off the percentage.
X/SSC Board * Select the board name from which you passed your X/SSC here.
XII/HSC Or Diploma * Select the appropriate option.
XII/HSC Percentage * Enter the percentage obtained in twelfth class. Do not round off the percentage.
XII/HSC Board * Select the board name from which you passed your XII/HSC here.
Diploma Name * Enter Diploma name if you selected Diploma under XII/HSC Or Diploma.
Diploma Percentage * Enter the percentage obtained in diploma. Do not round off the percentage.
College / University Name * Enter the name of the College / University from which you passed your Diploma.
Graduation Status * Select Appeared if you are giving your final year exam of Graduation/ Bachelor's Degree. Select Passed if you have passed your Graduation/ Bachelor's Degree.
Bachelor's Degree Name * Enter the Bachelor's degree name.  
Bachelor's Degree Percentage * Enter the percentage obtained in the Bachelor's Degree. Do not round off the percentage. Candidates who have scored less than 50% are not eligible for courses at NMIMS
Note: Students, who have appeared for the final year/semester exam, please enter the average percentage of previous semesters/years.
University Name Enter the name of the University from which you passed your Bachelor's Degree program.
Master's Degree Name Enter Master�s Degree if applicable.
Master's Degree Percentage Enter the percentage obtained in the Master�s Degree. Do not round off the percentage.
Note: Students, who have appeared for the final year/semester exam, please enter the average percentage of previous semesters/years.
Please Specify Your GMAT Score Enter your GMAT score if you are a Foreign student wanting to take admission for any of the NMIMS programs based on your GMAT Score. Candidates who have GMAT scores between 650 and 800 only are eligible.
Program Details
Program Name * Select the program you wish to opt for.
MBA (Full Time) Preferences
Preference 1 * Select your First Preference for MBA (full time) program.
Preference 2 Select your Second Preference for MBA (full time) program. You are not allowed to select the same option as selected in Preference 1.
Preference 3 Select your Third Preference for MBA (full time) program. You are not allowed to select the same option as selected in Preference 1 and Preference 2.
NMIMS Details
How did you get to know about the NMAT-2011 ? * Select the mode through which you came to know about the NMAT-2011.
If newspaper, which one ? Enter the name of the newspaper through which you came to know about the test details.
If others, please specify Enter the other source from which you came to know about the test details.
