The symbol (*) indicates mandatory fields.

Personal Details
Full Name (as per the transcript of X std) * Enter your Full Name.
Gender * Select the appropriate option.
Date of Birth * Select your date of birth from the date picker.
Category * Select your caste from the dropdown.
Program * Select your program from the drop down.
Session * Select your session from the drop down.
Nationality * Select your nationality from the drop down.
Blood Group * Select your blood group from the drop down.
Upload Photo(Only .jpg or .jpeg or .gif formats, Up to 100 KB)
Upload Photo * Upload your recent photograph.
Present Address
Address Line 1 * Enter your door number, apartment number in the address line 1 field.
Address Line 2 Enter your street address.
Address Line 3 Enter your locality name.
City * Enter the city where you are located at present.
State * Select the state where you are located at present.
Country * Enter the country name.
Pin code * Enter your area pin code (Note: Fill only numeric characters only (0-9). Do not leave spaces in between).
Phone Number (With STD Code) * Enter the STD code and phone number of your city (For e.g. 0444234522).
Mobile Number * Enter your mobile number.
Fax If you have any Fax number please fill it in this column.
Primary Email * Please enter the email address. For e.g. [email protected]. Do not use anyone else’s email address.
Retype Primary Email * Please retype the Primary Email ID.
Alternate Email Please enter the alternate email address.
Retype Alternate Email Please retype the Alternate Email ID.
Is Permanent address same as Present Address If the answer is YES, please indicate. If the answer is NO, you will have to fill in your permanent address in the fields that appear.
Family Details
Father Name * Specify the name of your Father.
Qualification Specify the Qualifications of Father.
Occupation Select the occupation of your Father.
If others please specify Mention the occupation of your Father if not in dropdown.
Designation Specify the designation of your Father in the organization.
Organization Please specify the organization of your father.
Address * Specify the Current address of your Parent .
Telephone-Office (With STD Code) Specify their Office Telephone number preceded with the STD code.
Mother's Name * Specify the name of your Mother.
Mother's Qualification Specify the Qualifications of your Mother.
Mother's Occupation Specify the Occupation of your Mother.
Mother's Organization Specify the Organization of your Mother.
Telephone-Residence (With STD Code) * Specify their Residence Telephone number preceded with the STD code.
Fax (With STD Code) Specify their Fax number preceded with the STD code.
Mobile Number Specify the Mobile Number.
Parents Email ID Enter the email address of your Parent / Guardian.
Educational Details
School Name Enter the name of the school you studied in.
Board / University Name Specify the Board / University.
State Enter the state.
Year of Passing * Select the year of passing from the dropdown.
Percentage Scored * Enter your overall percentage.
Main Subjects Enter your major subjects.
Mode of Study Select the mode of study from the drop down provided.
School Name Enter the name of the school you studied in.
Board / University Name Specify the Board / University.
State Enter the state.
Year of Passing * Mention the year in which you passed.
Percentage Scored * Enter your overall percentage.
Main Subjects Enter your major subjects.
Mode of Study Select the mode of study from the drop down provided.
UG Degree
Examination type * Select the relevant option.
Name of degree * Enter your degree.
College Name Enter the college you studied in.
Board / University Enter the Board or University.
State Enter the state.
Year of Passing Mention the year in which you passed.
Major Subject / Discipline * Enter your major subjects.
Mode of Study Select the mode of study from the drop down provided.
Total Aggregate % * Enter your overall percentage.
PG Degree
Do you have PG Degree * Select the relevant option.
Type Of Degree * Select the relevant option from the dropdown.
Name of degree * Enter your degree.
College Name Enter the college you studied in.
Board / University Enter the Board or University.
State Enter the state.
Year of Passing Mention the year in which you passed.
Major Subject / Discipline Enter your major subjects.
Mode of Study Select the mode of study from the drop down provided.
Total Aggregate % * Enter your overall percentage.
1 Year Percentage* Enter your 1st year percentage.
2 Year Percentage Enter your 2nd year percentage.
If the examination type is Semester wise, fill in the following details (applicable for both UG and PG degree)
1 Year/Sem 1 (%/CGPA)* Enter your 1st year 1st semester percentage.
1 Year/Sem 2 (%/CGPA)* Enter your 1st year 2nd semester percentage.
2 Year/Sem 3 (%/CGPA)* Enter your 2nd year 3rd semester percentage.
2 Year/Sem 4 (%/CGPA)* Enter your 2nd year 4th semester percentage.
3 Year/Sem 5 (%/CGPA) Enter your 3rd year 5th semester percentage.
3 Year/Sem 6 (%/CGPA) Enter your 3rd year 6th semester percentage.
4 Year/Sem 7 (%/CGPA) Enter your 4th year 7th semester percentage.
4 Year/Sem 8 (%/CGPA) Enter your 4th year 8th semester percentage.
If the examination type is Year wise, fill in the following details (applicable for both UG and PG degree)
1 Year (%/CGPA)* Enter your 1st year percentage.
2nd Year (%/CGPA)* Enter your 2nd year percentage.
3rd Year (%/CGPA) Enter your 3rd year percentage.
4th year (%/CGPA) Enter your 4th year percentage.
Employment History
Do you have Work Experience * Select the relevant option from the dropdown.
From Date Select the date when you joined the Organisation
To Date Select the date till you worked in the Organisation
Total experience (in months) This will auto-calculate based on the "From" and "To" Date.
Nature of work Specify the nature of your work
Designation Mention your designation in the Organisation
Name of employer Enter the name of your employer
Address of employer Enter your employer's address
Statement of Purpose
What motivates you to apply to the Alliance School of Business? * Mention what motivates you to apply to the Alliance School of Business.
What is your career vision and why is this choice meaningful to you? Mention what is your career vision and why is this choice meaningful to you.
Entrance Exam scores(GMAT/CAT/XAT/MAT/ATMA/CMAT)
Exam Name1 Enter name of exam if any.
Date1 Enter the date of Exam1 here.
Percentile1 Enter the percentile scored in Exam1.
Composite Score1 Enter your composite score in Exam1.
Exam Name2 Enter name of exam if any.
Date2 Enter the date of Exam2 here.
Percentile2 Enter the percentile scored in Exam2.
Composite Score2 Enter your composite score in Exam2.
Exam Name3 Enter name of exam if any.
Date3 Enter the date of Exam3 here.
Percentile3 Enter the percentile scored in Exam3.
Composite Score3 Enter your composite score in Exam3.
Exam Name4 Enter name of exam if any.
Date4 Enter the date of Exam4 here.
Percentile4 Enter the percentile scored in Exam4.
Composite Score4 Enter your composite score in Exam4.
Upload Document
Uploading all your documents To upload the document select the Document type from the list provided in the system

Then Browse the file you wish to upload from your computer then Click on 'Upload' button to upload the file on your application. Likewise upload all your documents.