Details |
Salutation |
This is a
mandatory field. Please select the appropriate option. |
First Name
This is a mandatory field. If your name is Kshitij
Mathur, then �Kshitij� is the first name, and �Mathur� is the second name. If
you do not usually use a middle name or do not have a middle name, just leave
the field blank. |
Middle Name |
If you have a middle name please fill in your
middle name. For example if your full name is Siva Rajkumar Raghunathan, then fill
in �Rajkumar� as the middle name. |
Last Name |
Last name/Surname or family name. This may often be
your father�s name or a common last name in the family.
Date of birth |
This is a mandatory field. The format is
dd-mmm-yyyy ( eg. 19-Feb-1981)
Gender |
This is a mandatory field. Simply click the
relevant button.
Do you have full time work experience |
This is a mandatory field. Please do not include
very short-term or minor part-time assignments. |
Full time Work experience in months as on 1/9/2010 |
Specify the number of months of experience |
This is a mandatory field. Select the
category which you belong to. |
Marital Status
This is a mandatory field. Select �single� if you
are unmarried, or one of the other options provided |
Do you want your result to be emailed?
This is a mandatory field. Simply click the
relevant button. |
Photo(Only .jpg or .jpeg or .gif formats, Upto 100 kb) |
How to upload the photo ? |
This is a mandatory field. You have to upload your
image in the given format and size.
Institutes that you intend applying to |
Select Institute |
This is a mandatory field. You can select more than
one institute by clicking the check box available against each institute. |
on which SNAP prospectus to be sent ? |
Present Address Line 1 |
This is a mandatory field. Enter your Door number,
apartment number here. |
Address Line 2 |
Put your street address here. |
Address Line 3 |
Fill in the locality name. |
City |
This is a mandatory field. Select the city where
you are located at present. |
State |
This is a mandatory field. Select the state in
where you are located at present. |
Pincode |
This is a mandatory field. Please fill only numeric
characters only (0-9). Do not leave spaces in between. |
STD code |
This is a mandatory field. Pease fill in the
STD code of the city where you are presently located. For example for Chennai
it is 044, for Mumbai it is 022 etc |
Phone Number |
This is a mandatory field. Give the contact
number with respect to your present address or where you can most easily be
reached. |
Mobile Number |
If you have any mobile number please fill it in
this column. |
Primary Email
This is a mandatory field. Please fill in your full
email address; for eg: [email protected]
. Do not use anyone else�s email address. |
Retype Primary Email |
Please retype the Primary Email ID |
Alternate Email |
If you have any other email account you may fill it
up. |
Retype Alternate Email |
Please retype the Alternate Email ID provided |
Is Permanent address same as Present Address |
If the answer is YES, please indicate. If the
answer is NO, you will have to fill in your permanent address in the fields
that appear. |
Permanent Address Line 1 |
This is a mandatory field. Enter your Door number,
apartment number here. |
Address Line 2 |
Put your street address here. |
Address Line 3 |
Fill in the locality name. |
City |
This is a mandatory field. Select the city where
you are located at present. |
State |
This is a mandatory field. Select the state in
where you are located Permanently. |
Pincode |
This is a mandatory field. Please fill only numeric
characters only (0-9). Do not leave spaces in between. |
City Details |
Test City |
This is a mandatory field. Please select the city
in which you would like to appear for the test. |
Details |
How did you get to know about SNAP |
Please select the mode through which you got to know about SNAP. |
If Newspaper, which one? |
Please specify the news paper through which you got
to know about SNAP details
Which other entrance exams are you appearing
for? |
Please select the other exams you are appearing
for. press CTRL+Highlight to select multiple exams
Are you undergoing any test preparation
course? |
Simply click the relevant button. |
From where did you log into this site |
Please specify from the drop down, where did you log
into this site. |
From which city did you log into this site |
Simply click the relevant button |
SIOM Registration Details |
Nationality |
Specify your Nationality. |
Age Completed |
Mention your age. |
Degree Obtained |
Mention the Degree You have obtained. |
Academic Achievements |
Specify your academic acheivements. |
Game/Sports |
Specify your interest and acheivements in sports. |
Extra Currucular |
Specify your extra curricular activities. |
Educational Details |
(10th Std)
University/Board |
Mention the name of your university/board in the
box provided. |
Medium of Instruction |
Specify your medium of instruction in the box
provided. |
Year of Passing |
choose relevant option from the drop down. |
% of Marks |
Mention your percentage of marks in the box
provided. |
(12th Std)
University/Board |
Mention the name of your university/board in the
box provided. |
Medium of Instruction |
Specify your medium of instruction in the box
provided. |
Year of Passing |
choose relevant option from the drop down. |
% of Marks |
Mention your percentage of marks in the box
provided. |
Degree |
Select relevant option from the drop down. |
University Name |
Enter the name of your University in the box
provided. |
College Name and Address |
Enter the name of your college in the box provided. |
Stream/Specialization |
Mention the Stream/Specialization of your degree in
the box provided. |
Passing Year
choose relevant option from the drop down. |
% of Marks
Specify your marks in percentage. |
Educational Gap (in years)
Specify the gap in your education. |
Semester I % of Marks
Enter your 1st semester percentage. |
Semester I Backlogs(if any)
If you have any backlogs in 1st semester, please mention it in the box
provided. |
Semester I Backlogs Cleared
Mention the details of your backlogs cleared in 1st
semester ( if applicable). |
Semester II % of Marks
Enter your 2nd semester percentage. |
Semester II Backlogs(if any)
If you have any backlogs in 2nd semester, please mention it in the box
provided. |
Semester II Backlogs Cleared
Mention the details of your backlogs cleared in 2nd
semester ( if applicable). |
Semester III % of Marks
Enter your 3rd semester percentage. |
Semester III Backlogs(if any)
If you have any backlogs in 3rd semester, please mention it in the box
provided. |
Semester III Backlogs Cleared
Mention the details of your backlogs cleared in 3rd
semester ( if applicable). |
Semester IV % of Marks
Enter your 4th semester percentage. |
Semester IV Backlogs(if any)
If you have any backlogs in 4th semester, please mention it in the box
provided. |
Semester IV Backlogs Cleared
Mention the details of your backlogs cleared in 4th
semester ( if applicable). |
Semester V % of Marks
Enter your 5th semester percentage. |
Semester V Backlogs(if any)
If you have any backlogs in 5th semester, please mention it in the box
provided. |
Semester V Backlogs Cleared
Mention the details of your backlogs cleared in 5th
semester ( if applicable). |
Semester VI % of Marks
Enter your 6th semester percentage. |
Semester VI Backlogs(if any)
If you have any backlogs in 6th semester, please mention it in the box
provided. |
Semester VI Backlogs Cleared
Mention the details of your backlogs cleared in 6th
semester ( if applicable). |
Semester VII % of Marks
Enter your 7th semester percentage. |
Semester VII Backlogs(if any)
If you have any backlogs in 7th semester, please mention it in the box
provided. |
Semester VII Backlogs Cleared
Mention the details of your backlogs cleared in 7th
semester ( if applicable). |
Semester VIII % of Marks
Enter your 8th semester percentage. |
Semester VIII Backlogs(if any)
If you have any backlogs in 8th semester, please mention it in the box
provided. |
Semester VIII Backlogs Cleared
Mention the details of your backlogs cleared in 8th
semester ( if applicable). |
Family Details (Fill in the details of your Father / Mother / Guardian) |
Name |
Specify the Name of member. |
Relationship |
Specify your Relationship with the person specified above. |
Occupation |
Specify the Occupation of the person. |
Organisation |
Specify the Organisation in which the person is working. |
Designation |
Specify the Desigantion of the person in the Organisation. |
Office Address |
Specify the Office Address of the person. |
Email ID |
Specify the Email ID of the person. |
City |
Specify the City details. |
State |
Specify the State details. |
Pincode |
Specify the Pincode details. |
Annual Income |
Specify the Annual Income of the person. |
Tel no. (off) with STD code |
Enter the Phone number of that Organisation along with STD code. |
Mobile No |
Enter the Mobile number of the person. |
Tel no. (Res) with STD code |
Enter the residence Phone number of the person along with STD code. |
Work Experience (Full Time Only) |
Name of Organisation |
Enter the Name of Organisation. |
Position/Designation |
Enter the position you held during that time. |
From Date |
Select the start date of that position from date picker. |
Total Experience in Months |
Enter the Period on that position. |
To Date |
Select the end date of that position from date picker. |
Responsibility |
Enter your Responsibility in that job. |
Sector / Industry |
Enter your Sector / Industry. |
Gross Salary(Rs) |
Enter your Gross Salary in rupees. |