1. How do I register for NMAT�2011?
You can register for NMAT-2011 through an online registration application available on website www.pearsonvueindia.com/nmat from 9:00 am (IST) onwards starting September 8, 2010. Online registrations will close at 11:59 pm Indian Standard Time (IST) on October 15, 2010. NMIMS shall not accept registrations from candidates in any other mode or form.
2. Why do I need to register early?
Candidate will be able to schedule the test on his / her preferred date, time slot and Test Centre only if seats are available at that Test Centre for the date and time slot being sought (First Come First Served basis). As the candidates will be required to schedule their NMAT-2011 test after registering through an online application system, the earlier they register, the earlier they will receive their username and password and the earlier they will be able to schedule their exam online. Candidates may not get their preferred date, slot and Test Centre if other candidates have already taken up the available seats for that particular date, slot and center. In such a situation, candidates would need to look at other options of date, time slot and Test Centre that would be available to them, and take a decision, and schedule themselves accordingly.
3. Does the �First come First serve� principle apply to Registration or Scheduling or both?
�First come First serve� principle applies to both Registration and scheduling. The earlier you register and make payment, the earlier you will receive your scheduling information. And the earlier you schedule your test, the higher the chances of you getting your preferred date, time and location.
4. Can I edit my registration application?
Candidates can edit certain fields like Present address and academic background in their application form till they receive confirmation from NMIMS of receipt of Fee paid for registration. Candidates are advised to check the information entered in the online registration application form very carefully while registering and again before making payment as they will not be allowed to make any changes at a later stage.
5. I could not register online for the NMAT-2011, since the following error message appeared - "Java Script Error". What should I do?
Please use Internet Explorer Ver 6.0 and above, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.
6. I could not register online for the NMAT-2011, as I am not able to proceed after "I agree". What should I do?
This application uses JavaScript. Please make sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser. To enable JavaScript go to: Tools>>Internet Options>>Security>>Custom Level. Scroll down until you see the section labeled 'Scripting' Under 'Active Scripting', select 'Enable' and click OK. Click refresh and restart the registration process.
7. I have received the NMAT ID & Password, what can I use it for?
Thanks for registering for NMAT-2011. You can use the NMAT ID and password to make changes in the application form, check My Mail for the e-mails sent to you or send e-mail for help/queries related to the NMAT-2011 online application form.
8. I registered online, but sent my DD without mentioning the NMAT ID. What do I do now?
Please contact our helpdesk at +91-44-42272727 (Monday to Saturday, 9am to 6pm). Please have the DD details such as DD number, bank on which it was drawn, your name, date of birth, phone number and e-mail id handy.
9. I filled up the form online and have made the DD also. I do not have access to a printer to print the payment advice form. What do I do?
You can fill in your details with your NMAT ID on a plain white sheet and send the DD along with it to the following address.
Pearson VUE
c/o Blueshift
6th Floor, East Wing,
Shreyas Towers, 23 & 24, Chamiers Road,
Teynampet, Chennai � 600 018
Tamilnadu, India
Phone: 044 � 42272727
10. What is the mode of Payment at AXIS Bank?
At AXIS Bank branches you can pay the exam fee by cash only. Please confirm with AXIS Bank on their days and timings of operation. You can visit the designated bank branches during this time to pay your exam fee.
For payment through credit card/DD, you need to choose other payment options.
11. In the application form, what should I fill in the Category field?
Under the Category field in the application form, the following stand for:
SC: Scheduled Caste
ST: Scheduled Tribe
OBC: Other Backward Classes
NT: Nomadic Tribe
GEN: General Category including any other Category not listed here
Foreign Nationals should also select GEN (General) in this field.
12. Can I submit more than one application?
Candidates can only submit one application and make payment, through the mode most convenient to them. Duplicate registrations are liable to be rejected and registration fee forfeited.
13. My current address is valid only till September. Is it possible for me to update and make a change in the address in early November?
Candidates can edit certain fields like Present address and academic background in their application form till they receive payment authentication from NMIMS for the Fees they have paid for online registration. Candidates are advised to check the information entered in the online registration application form very carefully while registering and again before making payment as they will not be allowed to make any changes at a later stage.
14. What if I cannot register by the last date of registration? Do I have an option of registering late?
Candidates who are unable to register in the Registration window between September 8, 2010 and October 15, 2010 will have the option of registering through the online registration application available on website www.pearsonvueindia.com/nmat during the Late Registration window from October 16, 2010 to October 31 2010 by paying a fee of INR 2150 through credit card, DD or cash deposit at any AXIS Bank branch.
15. What is the fee for NMAT-2011?
The test fee for registering for the NMAT-2011 from September 8, 2010 to October 15, 2010 is INR 1650. Candidates registering during the Late registration window from October 16, 2010 to October 31, 2010 will be required to pay INR 2150.
16. In whose name should the demand draft be made?
The candidate should make the demand draft in the name of �SVKM�S NMIMS� payable at Mumbai.
17. Where and when should I send the Demand Draft and Pay-in slips to complete my registration?
You should send Demand Draft and Pay-in Slip along with the Advice form available with the registration application to:
c/o Blueshift
6th Floor, East Wing,
Shreyas Towers, 23 & 24, Chamiers Road,
Teynampet, Chennai � 600 018
Tamilnadu, India
Phone: 044 � 42272727
Note: You MUST ensure that the Demand Draft/Pay-in Slip is mailed sufficiently early for it to be delivered on or before 11:59 PM IST on
a. October 15, 2010 for the candidates registering under the Registration window
b. October 31, 2010 for the candidates registering under the Late Registration window.
18. Which credit cards are accepted for payment?
Master Card
Debit cards will not be accepted for payment.
19. What is a CVV number?
Card Verification Value (CVV) is 3 or 4 digit unique number at the back of your credit card. In some cards, the CVV number may also be written on the front of the card, above the card number.
20. I have registered online and successfully completed the payment. What is the next step?
Congratulations on completing the registration process for the NMAT-2011. You must have received an e-mail with your NMAT ID and password, informing that you have successfully completed your transaction. In case you have not received the same, please contact our helpdesk at +91-44-42272727 (Monday to Saturday, 9am to 6pm). You will receive another e-mail from Pearson VUE on the e-mail id that you mentioned in the online form mentioning a unique username and password which will enable you to schedule your exam in the Pearson VUE system.
21. How can I schedule the test for the first time?
You are required to first register through an online application by filling in personal, educational and work related details. Then you must make fee payment through your preferred mode of payment. Once your registration applications are found to be complete in all respect and your payment has been received by NMIMS, you will receive an e-mail with username and password enabling you to schedule your exam. You will be able to select the date, time slot and Test Centre of your choice based on the availability of seats. The test will then be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis (the earlier a candidate registers online, the better their chances of taking the test at the location, date and time of their preference). Following that, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you containing the location, date and time of the test that you have successfully scheduled for.
22. What is the difference between Registration and Scheduling?
Registration means filling the online registration application and making the requisite payment on www.pearsonvueindia.com/nmat.
Scheduling means candidates scheduling their exam on www.pearsonvue.com/nmims for a certain date, time and center using the log-in ID provided by Pearson VUE after the registration is completed by the candidate.
23. What will happen if I cancel my test?
Cancellation of a successful registration or scheduled test will lead to forfeit of the test fee and no refund will be entertained under any circumstance.
24. What can lead to cancellation of my registration?
Candidates need to ensure that the information submitted by them is correct. In case any information is found to be incorrect at a later date, NMIMS shall have the right to cancel the test score. In the event of the cancellation of the score due to furnishing of incorrect information, the test fee paid by the candidate will not be refunded.
A registration will also stand cancelled if there are duplicate registrations, the application has incomplete information or test fee is received by NMIMS after the due date. Registration forms, for which the registration fee is not received in time, will be rejected outright.
25. Can I re-schedule my test?
You can re-schedule your test 72 hours or more prior to your scheduled appointment, subject to availability of seats, upon payment of an additional fee of INR 800. The re-schedule window will remain open during the entire exam delivery window from September 21, 2010 to December 28, 2010 until 11:59 PM IST. Please also note that this transaction on any Master Card or a Visa card may be processed in US Dollars equivalent of INR 800, and depending upon the credit card organization�s arrangement there may be certain service charges or commission charged to your credit card account to be borne by you. Please note that payment can only be made through a credit card (Master Card and Visa) as seats cannot be reserved and a real-time payment method is required to secure your new test appointment.
26. When and how can I decide to take a retake?
A Candidate after taking his / her test can decide to retake the NMAT-2011 in order to try to improve his / her scores. Candidate will be allowed to schedule a new test by paying INR 1650 through Credit Card only. A candidate is allowed to take the NMAT�2011, a maximum of three times (first attempt plus a maximum of two retake attempts). A candidate will be allowed to schedule the retake test on a date which is 15 or more days later than the date of his/her previous attempt. In other words, a candidate will have to wait at least 15 days before he / she can appear for a retake attempt.
27. When and how can I decide to take a reschedule?
The Rescheduling option will be available to candidates for the entire duration of the test delivery starting September 21, 2010 till December 28, 2010. A candidate can decide to reschedule his / her test no later than 72 hours prior to his / her scheduled test, to a different date, time and test center, subject to availability, by paying an additional fee of INR 800. Seat availability in terms of test center, slot or date will be on a �First come First serve� basis. A test cannot be rescheduled if 72 hours or less remain before the scheduled appointment time.
28. I appeared for the first time in the NMAT-2011 today. Can I schedule my retake test today?
Yes, you can schedule your retake test today for a date which is minimum 15 days later than today.
29. I appeared for the first time in the NMAT-2011 today. Can I retake the test tomorrow/on consecutive days?
No. You can not appear for your retake tomorrow. You can not appear for your test or retakes on consecutive days. You will be required to wait for 15 days before you can appear for your retake test.
30. I am yet to schedule my first NMAT attempt. Its early morning, and I want to schedule it for today evening. Can I do so?
No, you can not schedule your test for the same day. You can schedule your exam for any time 24 hour or later from now.
31. I have appeared for the NMAT-2011 once. I have decided today to appear for a retake attempt. Can I log on to the system and schedule my retake for later today?
No, you can not schedule your test for the same day. You can schedule your exam for any time 24 hour or later from now. Also, there should be a gap of minimum 15 days between two attempts.