- The NMAT-2011 is a computer based test with three sections – Quantitative Ability, Language Skills and Logical Reasoning.
- The NMAT-2011 consists of questions that evaluate a candidate’s Language Skills, Mathematic Skills, Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency and Intelligence and Logical Reasoning.
- The NMAT-2011 is a 2 hour test containing multiple choice questions. There will be a 5 minutes NDA and 10 minutes Tutorial.
Event | Start | End | Fee |
Registration | Wednesday, September 08, 2010 | Friday, October 15, 2010 | INR 1650 |
Late Registration | Saturday, October 16, 2010 | Sunday, October 31, 2010 | INR 2150 |
Scheduling | Tuesday, September 21, 2010 | Friday, November 05, 2010 | NIL |
Rescheduling | Tuesday, September 21, 2010 | Tuesday, December 28, 2010 | INR 800 |
Exam Delivery Window | Friday, October 01, 2010 | Friday, December 31, 2010 | NIL |
Retake Scheduling | Friday, October 01, 2010 | Thursday, December 30, 2010 | INR 1650 |
- Candidates can register for the NMAT-2011 through an online registration application available on website www.pearsonvueindia.com/nmat from 9:00 am (IST) onwards strating September 8, 2010. Online registrations will close at 11:59 pm Indian Standard Time (IST) on October 15, 2010. NMIMS shall not accept registrations from candidates in any other mode or form.
- Confirmation of completed registration and payment will be sent by electronic mail only. NMIMS shall not be held responsible for non-receipt of confirmation or bouncing of emails in case of electronic confirmation.
- Registration applications submitted without the proper notified registration fee, or with insufficient or incorrect details, or payment received beyond the specified closing time and date for submitting the registration application, will be summarily rejected and NMIMS shall not entertain any queries with respect to the same.
- Candidates need to ensure that the information submitted by them is correct and true in all respects. In case any information is found to be incorrect or false at a later date, NMIMS shall have the right to cancel the test score. In the event of the cancellation of the score due to furnishing of incorrect/false information, the registration fee paid by the candidate will not be refunded.
- There is no provision for on-the-spot registration for the NMAT-2011 at the Test Centres. Candidates have to follow the prescribed registration process published on the NMAT website www.pearsonvueindia.com/nmat.
- Only one registration can be made by paying in the manner judged most suitable by the candidate. Duplicate registrations are liable to be rejected.In case any candidate is found to have made more than one registration at a later date, NMIMS shall have the right to cancel the test score. In the event of the cancellation of the score due to multiple registrations, all the registration fees paid by the candidate will be forfeited.
- Candidates can edit certain fields like Present address and academic background in their application form till they receive confirmation from NMIMS of receipt of Fee paid for registration. Candidates are advised to check the information entered in the online registration application form very carefully while registering and again before making payment as they will not be allowed to make any changes at a later stage.
- An application is considered valid only if online submission is made and the registration fee is received by NMIMS by the due date. Registration applications, for which the registration fee is not received in time, will be rejected outright.
- Candidates who are unable to register in the Registration window between September 8, 2010 and October 15, 2010 will have the option of registering through the online registration application available on website www.pearsonvueindia.com/nmat during the Late Registration window from October 16, 2010 to October 31, 2010 (till 11:59 pm) by paying a fee of INR 2150 through credit card, DD or cash deposit at any Axis Bank branch, as specified on the site.
- Candidates can edit their application form till they receive payment authentication from NMIMS for the Fee payment they have made for online registration. Candidates are advised to check the information entered in the online registration application form very carefully before making payment as they will not be allowed to make any changes at a later stage.
- All rules will be applicable as mentioned under the Registration section above
- For appearing in the NMAT-2011 test, a registration fee of INR 1650 is payable by the candidate. Payment for test fee for candidates will be accepted in INR by credit card, DD or cash deposit at any Axis bank branch as specified on the website.
- Candidates are required to make the demand draft in the name of “SVKM’S NMIMS” payable at Mumbai.
- The candidates should send the Demand Draft / Pay–in Slip along with the advice form available on this site to the following address:
Pearson VUE C/O Blueshift, 6th Floor, East Wing, Shreyas Towers, 23 & 24, Chamiers Road, Teynampet, Chennai – 600018, Tamil Nadu, India Phone: 044-42272727 The envelope shall be superscribed with the words “NMAT 2011 REGISTRATION”
- Candidates registering through Demand draft / Pay-in Slip MUST ensure that the Demand Draft/Pay-in Slip is mailed sufficiently early for it to be delivered on or before 11:59 PM IST on
a. October 15, 2010 for the candidates registering under the Registration window.
b. October 31, 2010 for the candidates registering under the Late Registration window.
Note: No exceptions for late receipt/delivery of payment will be entertained under any circumstances.
- NMIMS shall not be held liable for any late or non-delivery of any material or information sent by it through electronic mail. No refunds will be issued to candidates who: (1) fail to appear for a scheduled test; (2) reach late at the testing centre on the test date; (3) fail to meet the identification and confirmation e-mail requirements; and/or (3) fail to meet or violate NMAT-2011 test rules and policies.
- NMIMS shall not allow any candidate to sit for the test in case the online payment received from the candidate is repudiated. No such repudiation will be permitted after the expiry of thirty days from the date of payment in case of payment by credit card. Any requests made after the time period of repudiation will not be entertained and the amount so paid will be forfeited.
- No refund of registration fee will be made by NMIMS once the registration application is satisfactorily accepted.
- All applicants who complete the test registration, pay the test fee by the prescribed date and follow published test rules may sit for the NMAT-2011. It is the responsibility of the candidate to understand the eligibility requirements of NMIMS before deciding to register for the NMAT-2011. If the candidate registers for the test and then determines that he/she is ineligible for admission to the program of his/her choice, no test-fee refund will be made. For the eligibility requirements, please visit NMIMS website at http://www.nmims.edu/.
- Candidates will have their fee forfeited if they:
a. Make more than one registration
b. Request for cancellation of their registration
c. Request for cancellation of their scheduled test
d. Request for reschedule in less than 72 hours of a scheduled test
e. Do not appear for their scheduled test
- Only candidates, whose registration applications have been properly completed in all respects, received by NMIMS within the stipulated time along with the applicable test fee, will be entitled to take the NMAT-2011 test.
- After the required fee is duly received at NMIMS’ end, candidates will receive an e-mail from Pearson VUE providing them with a username and password and details on how to schedule an NMAT test.
- Candidates will be required to schedule their test on their own by visiting the Pearson VUE website www.pearsonvue.com/nmims from September 21, 2010 to November 05, 2010.
- A candidate can schedule only one test attempt at a time.
- Candidates will be able to choose their preferred date, time (slot) and center based on a first come first serve basis. Therefore, candidates are advised to register themselves at the earliest to be able to schedule their test on their preferred date, time (slot) and center. Candidates may not get their preferred date, slot and center if other candidates have already taken up the available seats for a particular date, slot and center.
- Candidates should schedule their test as soon as they receive the email regarding scheduling of test as seats will be available on a ‘First come, First serve’ basis.
- Candidates will be allowed to schedule their test any time during the scheduling window (subjected to real time availability) for any slot which is a minimum of 24 hours later than the time that he carries out scheduling transaction in Pearson VUE system.
- The scheduling window will be from September 18, 2010 to November 05, 2010 for the candidate registered under Registration as well as Late Registration window.
- Candidates are not required to make any extra payment for scheduling their test for the first attempt.
- Candidate will receive the confirmation e-mail from Pearson VUE as soon as he/she schedules the test including test center name and address, the test date and start time of the test.
- The confirmation e-mail will also include the unique candidate identification number generated at the time of registration which shall be the candidate’s "registration number”.
- Pearson VUE / NMIMS are not responsible for any non-receipt of confirmation e-mails due to incorrect e-mail addresses being entered by the applicant or due to any technical problems with receipt of e-mail. Candidates, who do not receive their confirmation e-mails within 24 hours of scheduling a test, can call the helpdesk number published on www.pearsonvueindia.com/nmat to seek assistance.
- A candidate will be allowed to reschedule his / her test no later than 72 hours prior to his / her scheduled test to a different date, time and test center, subject to availability, by paying an additional fee of INR 800.
- Seat availability in terms of test center, slot, date will be on a “First come First serve” basis. Candidates may or may not get their preferred center/slot/date.
- A candidate cannot reschedule a test if less than 72 hours or less remain before the scheduled test. Refer section on Test Fee Forfeit
- Rescheduling option will be available to candidates for the entire duration of the test delivery starting September 21, 2010 till December 28, 2010.
- In case of a candidate with a vision or mobility impairment, he/she is required to state the same in the registration application. Such candidates will also be required to send their disability certificate to nmat2011@pearsonvue.com in order to receive required support or accommodation.
- The candidates seeking disability accommodation will be required to schedule their test through the call center as each test center may not be equipped to provide support, and the call center agent will be able to advise the candidate on the appropriate center for the test.
- A scribe will be allowed to assist candidates with vision impairments and mobility assistance will be available for those with mobility impairments.
- NMIMS reserves the right to make a final judgment regarding testing accommodations in accordance with NMAT-2011’s requirements.
- Any candidate who provides an incomplete certificate may not receive the required assistance at the test center.
- Any candidate who provides a false certificate shall be barred from taking the test and the test fees shall be forfeited. NMIMS reserves its right to make a complaint to the Police authorities against such candidate.
Candidates can request for test centre change once they have received the confirmation e-mail from Pearson VUE for the NMAT-2011 by paying an additional fee of INR 800 through Credit Card only by visiting www.pearsonvue.com/nmims.
- Candidates requesting to cancel their test will have their fee forfeited.
- A Candidate after taking his / her test can decide to retake the NMAT–2011 in order to improve his / her scores. Candidate will be allowed to schedule a new test by paying INR 1650 (fee for NMAT–2011) through Credit Card only.
- A candidate is allowed to take the NMAT–2011, a maximum of three times (first attempt plus a maximum of two retake attempts).
- A candidate will be allowed to schedule the retake test on a date which is 15 or more days later than the date of the previous attempt. In other words, a candidate will have to wait for at least 15 calendar days before he / she can appear for a retake attempt.
- The Test Retake scheduling window will be available from October 1, 2010 to December 30, 2010. The candidate can choose to schedule the retake test for any available date during the entire test delivery window till December 31, 2010.
- Candidates will be allowed to schedule their test any time during the scheduling window. (subjected to real time availability) For any slot which is a minimum of 24 hours later than the time that he carries out scheduling transaction in Pearson VUE system.
- A Candidate will not be required to fill a new registration application in case he/she wishes to appear for a retake attempt. He / she will be able to schedule the retake test by making a payment of INR 1650 by logging in with the username and password used earlier to schedule the first attempt on www.pearsonvue.com/nmims.
- A candidate not appearing for the scheduled test by the prescribed time (first attempt or retake attempt(s)) will be treated as “No show”. The candidate will be allowed a maximum of 3 test attempts including any attempt for which the Candidate is “No Show”.
- Seat availability in terms of test center, slot, date will be on a First come First serve basis. Candidates may or may not get their preferred center/slot/date.
- NMAT-2011 Scaled scores by section and exam total scaled score will be displayed on NMIMS website within 4 to 5 weeks after the test. The percentile scores will be calculated after all the candidates have given their exam(s) and announced on January 31, 2010 at NMIMS website www.nmims.edu.
- Candidates’ exam with the highest total scaled score will be used for all admission decisions.
- Scaled scores – All the test papers are equated to account for small differences in overall difficulty and the raw test scores are placed onto a common scale. This is done to ensure scores are comparable across test papers such that the scores are not impacted by different candidates getting different test papers.
- Percentile scores – The percentile rank or score shows how a candidate scored when compared to all other candidates who gave the exam (e.g. all candidates who gave the NMAT 2011). For example, if a candidate is said to be at the 75th percentile, the candidate scored better than 75% of the candidates who gave the NMAT 2011.
Candidates are required to reach the test centre forty five (45) minutes before the scheduled time of their test. Candidates reporting later than fifteen (15) minutes of the scheduled time will may not be admitted. No requests for exceptions will be entertained in this regard. The test centre may not be air conditioned but a comfortable environment will be provided.
The candidate needs to bring the following to the test centre:
- Confirmation e-mail printout, without which they will not be allowed to take the test.
- One valid primary ID and another secondary ID, in original from the list below:
i. Primary ID
- Driver’s license
- Passport
- Election Card / Voter ID
- PAN card
- Photo Identity issued by (School, College or University)
- Admit Card of any National / State Exam issued in 2010
- Any other Government issued Photo ID
- Employee ID containing photograph and signature
ii. Secondary ID
- Any one of the Primary ID
- Credit card
- ATM card
- Candidates who are unable to produce the above forms of valid ID (non–expired and in original) will not be admitted into the testing room and shall not be offered a test-fee refund. Photocopies (attested or otherwise) are not acceptable as IDs on the day of the test.
- The test invigilator after checking the confirmation email print out being carried by the candidate and the ID as provided above, will admit the candidate by taking their digital photo and signature. The invigilator will then guide the candidate to the computer where they will be seated to take their test.
- Candidates who refuse to be photographed or provide signature on the digital pad at the test centre will not be allowed to take the test.
- The test contains several sections in a predefined order. Each section contains several questions. The candidate must read the directions given for each group of questions in each section of the test carefully. If he/she skips the directions given for attempting the questions, he/she may miss the main idea and lose credit for some questions in that section.
- After the test is over, candidates are required to remain seated until the invigilator closes the test window and allows the candidate to leave the test area.
- Candidates will be provided with writing material at the test center and are not required to carry anything with them except their IDs and confirmation mail printout.
- Candidates will be required to produce identification which is not expired and have recognizable photograph and signature.
- Candidates must arrive at the test venue at least forty five minutes prior to scheduled start time of the test.
- Persons accompanying the candidate will not be allowed into the test premises and no waiting area will be provided.
- Candidates must adhere to the NMAT-2011 policies, rules and regulations which will be available at a NMIMS specified website.
- Invigilators shall have the right to exclude candidates who fail to follow the test centre rules and procedures.
- Invigilators will not be expected to provide or collect any registration applications from candidates.
- Only pre-registered candidates with names appearing on the system and who have confirmation e-mail printouts and valid IDs as provided will be permitted to take the NMAT-2011.
- Candidates must not carry any articles such as cell phones, calculators, pens, arms, etc., as only a confirmation e-mail printout and two valid photo IDs are required for the test and all other articles would have to be left outside the testing room at the candidate’s own risk.
- Candidates will not have access to their personal belongings during the breaks they take.
- There are no scheduled breaks in the test. However candidates can take as many unscheduled breaks as they want during the test session. Unscheduled break means the break where the test clock does not stop. If a candidate chooses to take a break, the actual time he/she spends on the break will be deducted from the time allocated to complete the test.
- During the break, candidates must leave the testing room. Upon re-entering the testing room, they must show a valid (non–expired and in original) ID.
- Candidates will not be allowed to access any personal belonging including study material and mobile phone during the break(s) they take. They will only be allowed to access food or medication, if any.
- Candidates must read the instructions carefully given in the questions to mark the answers.
- Candidates will have to choose one of the correct answers by clicking their mouse.
- Candidates can mark questions for review and come back to them after completion of all the sections through the Review Screen.
- NMIMS would not entertain any request for revaluation of the test by any candidate.
- Any attempt to impersonate, to copy answers from another candidate or to indulge in any other malpractice during the test or while filling in the application, would not only lead to immediate or later revocation of scores but may also lead to prosecution. Detection of any such malpractice at any stage including after the NMAT-2011 is conducted, may lead to disqualification and revocation of test scores by NMIMS.
- Candidates are not allowed to communicate with anyone about the content of the NMAT during the test, during any breaks, or after administration of the test. Removing or attempting to remove test content from the test center is strictly prohibited. Under no circumstances may any part of the test content viewed during a test administration be removed, reproduced, and/or disclosed in any form by any means (for example, verbally, in writing, or electronically) to any person or entity at any time. This includes, but is not limited to, discussing or disclosing such test content via email; in any Internet “chat room,” message board, or other forum; or otherwise. This disclosure prohibition applies before, during, and after any administration of the NMAT exam.
- NMIMS and Pearson VUE will make every effort to ensure that NMAT test registration and scheduling information are properly processed, and that NMAT exams are properly prepared, handled, administered, and scored. In the unlikely event that an error occurs in the preparation, handling, processing, administration, or scoring of your NMAT exam, or in the reporting of your NMAT scores, NMIMS and/ or Pearson VUE will make reasonable efforts to correct the error. If the error cannot be corrected, you may reschedule your appointment at no additional fee or request a refund.
- Should there be any event that affects the administration of a test to an individual or multiple test takers, candidates can raise concerns to the Test Administrators but are not allowed to protest or misbehave with the staff. Such issues may include, but are not limited to, administrative errors (delayed starts, defective materials, or defective equipment); disruptions of test administrations (technical issues or natural disasters or illness, or other emergencies). When, in the sole judgment, it is appropriate to do so, NMIMS and Pearson VUE will give affected test takers the opportunity to take the test again as soon as possible without charge.
- Actions or activities that interfere with, or disturb other test takers, Test Administrator or other employees from operating the test center in a quiet, safe and efficient manner are not allowed.
- These terms & conditions cannot be overridden by verbal instructions by anyone including the Test Administrators unless issued in writing by NMIMS.
- All disputes in this regard are subject to the legal jurisdiction of Mumbai.
I hereby agree
- The right to conduct NMIMS Management Aptitude Test (hereinafter referred to as "NMAT"), lies with the SVKM’s NMIMS.
- SVKM’ s NMIMS reserves the right to re-schedule the test and/or change the test centre at its sole discretion, without assigning any reasons thereof and as warranted by the circumstances. In such case eventuality, the candidate will be given an option to choose another city or will be allotted a seat to the nearest city where the NMAT-2011 is being held.
- SVKM’s NMIMS reserves the exclusive right to reject any application without assigning any reasons thereof.
- Any or all fees paid to NMIMS for registration, retake or rescheduling are non-refundable even if the candidate decides to cancel the test or does not appear for the test.
- All disputes in this regard are subject to the legal jurisdiction of Mumbai.
- All the information pertaining to the NMAT will be posted on the website and no separate communication, by email or other means, will be sent to candidates.
- The information provided by the candidate in the application form will be used by SVKM’s NMIMS. A Candidate may receive information through e-mail or other form on matters unrelated to the NMAT and he / she agrees not to object to such mailers.
I hereby agree to abide by the above terms and conditions and declare that the information furnished by me in the online application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that my candidature for NMAT-2011 and subsequent process can be cancelled by NMIMS at any stage if the information furnished by me is found to be incorrect.