The symbol (*) indicates mandatory fields.

Personal Details (Details Captured in SNAP)
Salutation * Please select the appropriate option.
First Name * If your name is Kshitij Mathur, then �Kshitij� is the first name, and �Mathur� is the second name. If you do not usually use a middle name or do not have a middle name, just leave the field blank.
Middle Name If you have a middle name please fill in your middle name. For example if your full name is Siva Rajkumar Raghunathan, then  fill in �Rajkumar� as the middle name.
Last Name * Last name/Surname or family name. This may often be your father�s name or a common last name in the family.
Date of birth * The format is dd-mmm-yyyy ( eg. 19-Feb-1981)
Gender * Simply click the relevant button.   
Do you have full time work experience * Please do not include very short-term or minor part-time assignments. 
Full time Work experience in months as on 1/9/2010 Specify the number of months of experience
Category * Select the category which you belong to.
Marital Status Select �single� if you are unmarried, or one of the other options provided
Do you want your result to be emailed? * Select �single� if you are unmarried, or one of the other options provided
Educational Details
Highest Qualification * Select the last degree / course completed.
Education Type * If your qualification is related to Engineering, please indicate this.
Qualifying Degree for Admission * Specify the qualifying degree pursuing at the time of admission
Aggregate percentage on Qualifying Degree * Specify the percentage obtained in  the Qualifying Degree
Tenth Marks * Please specify the marks obtained in tenth class
Twelfth Marks * Please specify the marks obtained in twelth Class
University Name * This is a mandatory field.  Please specify the UG Degree Name
Select Institutes that you intend applying to
Select Institute * You can select more than one institute by clicking the check box available against each institute.
Address on which SNAP prospectus to be sent
Address Line 1 * Enter your Door number, apartment number here.
Address Line 2 Put your street address here.
Address Line 3 Fill in the locality name.
City * Select the city where you are located at present.
State * elect the state in  where you are located at present.
Pincode * Please fill only numeric characters only (0-9). Do not leave spaces in between.
STD code * Please fill in the STD code of the city where you are presently located. For example for Chennai it is 044, for Mumbai it is 022 etc
Phone Number * Give the contact number with respect to your present address or where you can most easily be reached.
Mobile Number * If you have any mobile number please fill it in this column.
Primary Email * Please fill in your full email address; for eg: [email protected] . Do not use anyone else�s email address.
Retype Primary Email * Please retype the Primary Email ID
Alternate Email If you have any other email account you may fill it up.
Retype Alternate Email Please retype the Alternate Email ID provided
Is Permanent address same as Present Address If the answer is YES, please indicate. If the answer is NO, you will have to fill in your permanent address in the fields that appear.
Address Line 1 * Enter your Door number, apartment number here.
Address Line 2 Put your street address here.
Address Line 3 Fill in the locality name.
City * Select the city where you are located.
State * elect the state in  where you are located.
Pincode * Please fill only numeric characters only (0-9). Do not leave spaces in between.
Test City details
Test City * Please select the city in which you would like to appear for the test.
Other details
How did you get to know about SNAP Please select the mode through which you got to know about SNAP.
If Newspaper, which one? Please specify the news paper through which you got to know about SNAP details
Which other entrance exams are you appearing for? Please select the other exams you are appearing for.  press CTRL+Highlight to select multiple exams
Are you undergoing any test preparation course? Simply click the relevant button.   
From where did you log into this site ? Please specify from the drop down, where did you log into this site.   
From which city did you log into this site ? Simply click the relevant button
SIMC Post-Graduate Programmes
Programmes * Please select the appropriate option from the dropdown.
1. MBA - Communication Management.
2. MMC - Mass Communication.
Category Details
SIMC Category * Please select the appropriate option from the dropdown.
Educational Details
S.S.C (10th Std)
School Name * Please mention your school name
Board Please mention the board you have passed out from.
Tenth Percentage * Please mention the marks obtained in tenth.
Division Kindly mention the class obtained by you in tenth.
Year of passing * Please select the completion year of class tenth.
H.S.C (10 +2 Std)/Diploma
School/College Name * Please mention the school where you did your twelfth
Board/University Please mention the board you have passed out from.
Twelfth Percentage * Please mention the percentage scored by you in class twelfth.
Division Please mention the class obtained by you in twelfth.
Year of passing * Please select the starting year of the class twelfth the drop down.
Bachelors Degree
Bachelors Degree name * Please mention the name of your bachelors degree.
Mode of Study * Select the mode of study from the drop down provided.
Name of College (associated with for qualifying degree) * Please mention your college name.
Board/University * Please mention the university or board to which your college is affilated to.
Major Subject(s) Please mention the major subject in your graduation degree.
Division Please mention the class obtained by you for the graduation. undergoing .
Minor Subject(s) Please mention the minor subject in your graduation degree.
Duration Please mention the duration of your course.
Bachelors Degree Percentage/GPA * Please mention the aggregate percentage of marks scored during the grauation.
Max CGPA Please select the appropriate CGPA out of option from the dropdown.
Masters Degree
Masters degree / Diploma name Please mention the name of the master degree or diploma
If others (name) Kindly name if any other.
Mode of Study Select the mode of study from the drop down provided.
Name of College (associated with for qualifying degree) Please mention the name of the collge.
Board/University Please mention the board or university .
Division Please mention the division obtained by you.
Duration Please mention the duration of undergoing the course.
Masters Degree Percentage/GPA Kindly fill the percentage scored by you during the course.
Max CGPA Please select the appropriate Max CGPA option from the dropdown.
Family Details
Name * Please mention the name.
Relationship * Select the relationship from the dropdown.
Occupation * Please mention the occupation.
Mobile No. * Please mention the Mobile number.
Email ID * Please mention Email ID.
Experience Details (Optional)
Organization * Please mention the name of your company.
Designation * Please mention your designation.
From Date * Please mention the date you joined and started working.
Tenure (Number of Months) Please mention the number of months of experience.
To Date * Please mention the date till you worked there last.
Job type * Select the appropriate option.
Job Description Kindly give a brief description about your job.
Annual Salary Please mention your annual salary.