Details (Details Captured in SNAP) |
Salutation |
This is a
mandatory field. Please select the appropriate option.
First Name |
This is a mandatory field. If your
name is Kshitij Mathur, then ‘Kshitij’ is the first name, and
‘Mathur’ is the second name. If you do not usually use a middle
name or do not have a middle name, just leave the field
blank. |
Middle Name |
If you have a middle name please
fill in your middle name. For example if your full name is
Siva Rajkumar Raghunathan, then fill in ‘Rajkumar’ as
the middle name. |
Last Name |
Last name/Surname or family
name. This may often be your father’s name or a common last
name in the family. |
Date of birth |
This is a mandatory field. The
format is dd-mmm-yyyy (e.g. 19-Feb-1981) |
Gender |
This is a mandatory field. Simply
click the relevant button. |
Do you have full time work
experience |
This is a mandatory field. Please
do not include very short-term or minor part-time
assignments. |
Full time Work experience in months as on 1/9/2010 |
Specify the number of months of
experience |
Category |
This is a mandatory field.
Select the category which you belong to. |
Marital Status |
This is a mandatory field. Select
‘single’ if you are unmarried, or one of the other options
provided |
Do you want results to be emailed? |
Select the relevant option. |
Upload Photo
Upload Photo |
Upload the recent image here. |
Educational Details
Highest Qualification |
This is a mandatory field. Select
the last degree / course completed. |
Education Type |
This is a mandatory field. If your qualification
is related to Engineering, please indicate this. |
Qualifying Degree for
Admission |
This is a mandatory
field. Specify the qualifying degree pursuing at
the time of admission |
Aggregate percentage on
Qualifying Degree |
This is a mandatory field.
Specify the percentage obtained in the Qualifying Degree |
Tenth Marks |
This is a mandatory field.
Please specify the marks obtained in tenth class |
Twelfth Marks |
This is a mandatory field.
Please specify the marks obtained in Twelfth Class |
University Name |
This is a mandatory field.
Please specify the UG Degree Name |
Institutes that you intend applying to |
Select Institute |
This is a mandatory field. You can
select more than one institute by clicking the check box
available against each institute. |
Address on which SNAP prospectus to be sent
Address Line 1 |
This is a mandatory field. Enter
your Door number, apartment number here. |
Address Line 2 |
Put your street address
here. |
Address Line 3 |
Fill in the locality name. |
City |
This is a mandatory field. Select
the city where you are located at present. |
State |
This is a mandatory field. Select
the state in
where you are located at present. |
Pincode |
This is a mandatory field. Please
fill only numeric characters only (0-9). Do not leave spaces
in between. |
STD code |
This is a mandatory field. Pease fill in the STD code of the
city where you are presently located. For example for Chennai
it is 044, for Mumbai it is 022 etc |
Phone Number |
This is a mandatory field. Give the contact number with
respect to your present address or where you can most easily
be reached. |
Mobile Number |
If you have any mobile number
please fill it in this column. |
Primary Email |
This is a mandatory field. Please
fill in your full email address; for e.g. [email protected].
Do not use anyone else’s email address. |
Retype Primary Email |
Please retype the Primary Email ID |
Alternate Email |
If you have any other email
account you may fill it up. |
Retype Alternate Email |
Please retype the Alternate Email ID
provided |
Is Permanent address same as
Present Address |
If the answer is YES, please
indicate. If the answer is NO, you will have to fill in your
permanent address in the fields that appear. |
Address Line 1 |
This is a mandatory field. Enter
your Door number, apartment number here. |
Address Line 2 |
Put your street address
here. |
Address Line 3 |
Fill in the locality name. |
City |
This is a mandatory field. Select
the city where you are located at present. |
State |
This is a mandatory field. Select
the state in
where you are located at present. |
Pincode |
This is a mandatory field. Please
fill only numeric characters only (0-9). Do not leave spaces
in between. |
City Details |
Test City |
This is a mandatory field. Please
select the city in which you would like to appear for the
test. |
Details |
How did you get to know about
select the mode through which you got to know about SNAP. |
If Newspaper, which one? |
Please specify the news paper
through which you got to know about SNAP details |
Which other entrance exams
are you appearing for? |
Please select the other exams you
are appearing for. press CTRL + Highlight to select
multiple exams |
Are you undergoing any test
preparation course? |
click the relevant button. |
From where did you log into
this site |
Please specify from the drop down,
where did you log into this site. |
From which city did you log
into this site |
click the relevant button |
SIG Details |
I came to know about SIG through |
Specify how you came to know about SIG. |
If others, Please specify |
Give Details if Newspaper/Website. |
Have you visited Symbiosis institute of Geo informatics website |
Select the relevant option. |
Details |
S.S.C(10th Std) |
Class / Division |
Mention your Class / division details |
Board / Institute |
Mention your School Name. |
Year of Passing |
Mention the year of Passing. |
% of Marks obtained |
Mention your Percentage in X std. |
H.S.C(10+2 Std)/Diploma |
Class / Division |
Mention your Class / division details |
Board / Institute |
Mention your School Name. |
Year of Passing |
Mention the year of Passing. |
% of Marks obtained |
Mention your Percentage in XII std. |
UG |
Passed / Appeared |
Mention Passed / Appeared for current degree |
Board/University |
Mention your Board/University Name. |
Year of passing |
Select the passing year of your degree. |
Class / Division |
Mention your Class / division details |
UG Percentage/GPA |
Mention your overall percentage. |
PG |
Passed / Appeared |
Mention Passed / Appeared for current degree |
Board/University |
Mention your Board/University Name. |
Year of passing |
Select the passing year of your degree. |
Class / Division |
Mention your Class / division details |
PG Percentage/GPA |
Mention your overall percentage. |
Family Details |
Name |
Specify the name of the Father/Guardian/Mother/Husband. |
Relationship |
Specify the Relation. |
Occupation |
Specify the occupation of the relation. |
Tel No |
Specify the Phone Number. |
Mobile No |
Specify the Mobile Number. |
Email |
Specify the Email Address. |
Experience Details |
Name of the organisation |
Specify the Name of the organisation. |
Designation |
Specify the Designation . |
From Date |
Specify the Date of Joining. |
Job Description |
Specify the Job Description. |
To Date |
Specify the Date of Releaving. |
Reasons for leaving |
Specify the Reasons for leaving. |