The symbol (*) indicates mandatory fields.

Category Details
Category * Select the category which is applicable to you

If you are NRI (Non Resident Indian) then select 'NRI'

If you are Foreign National or Person of Indian Origin or Overseas Citizen of India then select 'FN/PIO/OCI'
If you select NRI as your category then system will prompt you to provide following information.
Graduation Details and Country Represented * Provide us the name of a country from where you represent your NRI status.

Select correct option to confirm from where you have completed your graduation.
SNAP ID If you are appearing or completed your Graduation studies in India then you will have to appear for SNAP; system will prompt you to provide following details.

If you have already appeared or applied for SNAP then provide your SNAP ID.

If not then click on '?' icon to register for SNAP
If you select FN/PIO/OCI as your category then system will prompt you to provide following information.
English Proficiency details and Nationality * Provide us your Nationality details and define the exact category by selecting options as FN or PIO or OCI

You will also have to provide your English proficiency test details.

Here you will have to choose one of the option as IELA or IELTS

If you select IELA as your English proficiency test option then system will prompt you to provide further details to register yourself for IELA

Here you will have to select Month, Day and Time slot for your IELA exam. With this information system will register you for IELA exam automatically.

Note - IELA exam fee will be added into your payment details along with the Application Fee.

If you select IELTS as your English proficiency test option then system will prompt you to provide further details about your exam.

System will Prompt you to provide details whether you have appeared for IELTS or Passed out your exam.If you have already passed out your exam then provide your IELTS score band and attach copy of IELTS results along with your documents.If you have applied for IELTS exam but not completed your exam yet then attach the proof of registration.

Note - Without the attachment of any of abovementioned documents; your application will be considered incomplete.
Program preference 1 & 2 * SCIE Online Application allows you to apply for two different constituent institutes of Symbiosis.

Select under which 'Faculty' you want to apply (viz. Management, Law, Humanities etc.)

Select for Which 'Program' you want to apply then Select the 'Institute' accordingly.

Note - It is mandatory to provide two program preferences, make sure you will put two different preferences otherwise your application will be on hold. (You can select two different programs or two different institutes under the same faculty)
Personal Details (Provide required details about yourself)
Salutation * Please select the appropriate option (viz. Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr etc).
First Name * Your name is 'Sidney George Brown', then ‘Sidney’ is the first name
Middle Name If you follow the middle name then please fill in your middle name.

(If your name is 'Sidney George Brown', then ‘George’ is the middle name)
Last Name * Last name/Surname or family name. This may often be your father’s name or a common last name in the family

(If your name is 'Sidney George Brown', then ‘Brown’ is the last name)
Date of Birth * The format is dd-mmm-yyyy ( e.g. 19-Feb-1981).
Gender * Simply click the relevant button.
Passport Number * Please provide correct Passport Number imprinted on your Passport.
Passport Valid Till* Check the validity date on your passport and type it in the field provided.
Mother Tongue Please provide the language you speak.
Place of Birth * Please provide the country name you were born in.
Blood Group Please select the correct option from the dropdown list.
Marital Status Please select the correct option from the dropdown list.
Parent's Name * Please provide your Parent's name (It can be your Mother's name or your Father's name).
Parent's Email id 1 & 2 Provide us your parent's Email id (At least one Email id is mandatory).
Present Address for Correspondence
Address Line 1 * Enter your house number/ Flat number/ apartment number etc here.
Address Line 2 Put your street address here.
Address Line 3 Fill in the locality name.
City * Select the city where you are located at present.
State * Select the state in  where you are located at present.
Zip Code Please fill only numeric characters (0-9). Do not leave spaces in between.
Phone Number & Mobile Number * Phone number field is mandatory. Please provide us your exact phone number as instructed. If the need be, we will be communicate to you regarding your admission on the numbers provided by you.
Primary Email & Alternate Email * Please provide your correct email id. We will be sending all information about your admission on this email id.
Is your present address same as permanent address?* If your Present address and permanent address is same then select option 'Yes' otherwise system will prompt you to provide Permanent address.
If the information you have typed in the application is correct then click on 'Save & Continue' button to proceed further.
Educational Details
10+2 Provide us correct details for your 10+2 level.

Type the correct name of your Institute/School.

Type the Place where you've completed your education.

Provide us the exact Score or Grade you have achieved in your examination.

Provide us Out of how many marks you have achived your score or grade.

Type the correct Year of passing.

Bachelor Provide us correct details about your graduate level education.

Select correct option for your Examination type (Whether your academic year was Semester wise or Year wise).

Provide the name of your degree.

Provide us the name if your Board or University and then Name of your Institute from where you have completed your graduation.

Type the Place where you've completed your education or will be completing your education Then type the year of passing.

Then system will prompt you to provide your Marks/Score according to year wise or semester wise.

If the information you have typed in the application is correct then click on 'Save & Continue' button to proceed further.
Upload Document
Uploading all your documents
Read all the instructions provided under 'How to upload documents?' on the main page. You will have to scan all your documents and upload the soft copy in the attachment field.

To upload the document select the Document type from the list provided in the system

Then Browse the file you wish to upload from your computer then Click on 'Upload' button to upload the file on your application. Likewise upload all your documents.
If the documents you have uploaded are correct then click on 'Save & Continue' button to proceed further.