The symbol (*) indicates mandatory fields.

Personal Details
Salutation * Please select the appropriate option.
First Name * If your name is Kshitij Mathur, then �Kshitij� is the first name, and �Mathur� is the second name. If you do not usually use a middle name or do not have a middle name, just leave the field blank.
Middle Name If you have a middle name please fill in your middle name. For example if your full name is Siva Rajkumar Raghunathan, then  fill in �Rajkumar� as the middle name.
Last Name * Last name/Surname or family name. This may often be your father�s name or a common last name in the family.
Date of birth * The format is dd-mmm-yyyy ( eg. 19-Feb-1981).
Age (as on 29 July, 2010) * The Age will be autopopulated based on the selection of DOB.
Gender * Simply click the relevant button.
Nationality * Enter your Nationality details here.
Marital Status * Select the appropriate option.
Name of Father / Mother / Guardian * Enter the name of Father / Mother / Guardian.  
Occupation of Father / Mother / Guardian Enter the Occupation of Father / Mother / Guardian.
Academic Qualification of Father / Mother/ Guardian Enter the Qualification of Father / Mother / Guardian.
Present Address
Address Line 1 * Enter your Door number, apartment number here.
Address Line 2 Enter your Street Name.
Address Line 3 Fill the locality name.
City * Enter the city where you located at present.
State * Select the state where you are located at present.
Pincode * Please fill only numeric characters only (0-9). Do not leave spaces in between.
STD code * Please fill in the STD code of the city where you are presently located. For example for Chennai it is 044, for Mumbai it is 022 etc.
Phone Number * Give the contact number with respect to your present address or where you can most easily be reached.
Fax If you have any Fax number please fill it in this column.
Mobile Number If you have any mobile number please fill it in this column.
Primary Email * Please fill in your full email address; for e.g. [email protected] . Do not use anyone else email address.
Retype Primary Email * Please retype the primary email ID.
Alternate Email * If you have any other email account you may fill it up.
Retype Alternate Email * Please retype the alternate email ID provided.
Is Permanent address same as Present * If the answer is YES, please indicate. If the answer is NO, you will have to fill in your permanent address in the fields that appear.
Indicate your Choice of centre for the MICAT.
Test City * Select your choice of test city for the MICAT.
Other Details
How did you come to know about MICA
(Press and hold ctrl key for multiple select)
Please select the mode through which you got to know about MICA.
If others,mention How did you come to know about MICA Enter other source information about MICA.
In what publication did you read the MICA admissions
announcement? (Press and hold ctrl key for multiple select)
Please select the news paper through which you got to know about MICA admissions details.
If others,please specify MICA admissions announcement Enter the other source of MICA admissions announcement.
Please Select / mention the other Management entrance examination(s)
you have appeared for 2010-2011.
(Press and hold ctrl key for multiple select)
Please select the exam which you have attended.
If any other, please specify Examination Name If any Other, please specify the exam.
Annual Income of Parents (Individually or combined) / Guardian Please select the annual income of parents
(Individually or combined)/ Guardian.
Class 10
Year of Passing * Select the year of passing from the dropdown.
Percentage * Mention your percentage.
School / College * Enter the name of your School / College.
Board / University * Enter the name of your Board / University.
Class 12
Year of Passing * Select the year of Passing from the dropdown.
Percentage * Mention your percentage.
School / College * Enter the name of your School / College.
Board / University * Enter the name of your Board / University.
Degree Name * Mention your degree.
Year of Passing (YYYY) * Enter the year passing e.g. 2001.
Percentage * Mention your percentage.
Major Subject / Discipline * Mention your major subject / discipline.
School / College * Mention your name of the college.
Board / University * Mention your Board / University name.
Do you have a PG Degree ? * Select the appropriate option.
Degree Name Mention your degree.
Year of Passing (YYYY) Enter the year passing e.g. 2001.
Percentage Mention your percentage.
Major Subject / Discipline Mention your major subject / discipline.
School / College Mention your name of the college.
Board / University Mention your Board / University name.
Experience Details
Do you have Work Experience * Select the relevant option from the dropdown.
Name Of Organisation Enter the Name of the organisation.
Position Held Mention your position in the organisation.
Period in months Enter the Period on that position.
Total Pay (Rs./Month) Enter the total pay you are getting in the organisation(Rs./Month).
Nature of work Enter your nature of job.