The symbol (*) indicates mandatory fields.
Personal Details
Title * Select the relevant option from the dropdown.
Candidate Name (To be written with initials at the end as printed in HSC/SSC Mark sheet) * Please Enter Name as in HSC/SSC Mark sheet with initials at the end.
Date of birth * The format is dd-mmm-yyyy         (e.g..19-Feb-1981)
Gender * Select the relevant option.
Religion * Select the relevant option from the dropdown.
Community * Select the relevant option from the dropdown. 
Nationality* Select the relevant option from the dropdown.
Mother Tongue* Select the relevant option from the dropdown.
Present Address
Address Line 1 * Enter your Door number, apartment number
Address Line 2* Enter your Street Name.
Address Line 3* Fill the locality Name.
City * Enter your city / town name.
State * Select the relevant option from the dropdown. 
Pin code* Please fill only numeric characters (0-9). Do not leave spaces in between.
Phone Number (with STD code)For Eg.04465420117 Give your contact number with STD code. Do not leave any space in between the numbers
Mobile Number If you have any mobile number fill in this column.
Email ID * Fill your full email address; for e.g [email protected] .Don�t use email id of other persons.
Retype Email ID* Please retype the Primary Email ID
Native District (If Tamilnadu)* Select the relevant option from the dropdown.
Native State or Union Territory* Select the relevant option from the dropdown.
Is Permanent address same as Present Address? * If  its same select YES, If its NO, you have to fill your permanent address in the fields that appear.
Educational Details
Civic Status of School Last Studied* Select the relevant option from the dropdown.
Board of Qualifying Examinations* Select the relevant option from the dropdown.-
Medium of Instruction* Select the relevant option from the dropdown.
Proficiency level in Sports* Select the relevant option from the dropdown.
Test City Details
Choice of Entrance Examination Centre* Select your prefered choice of exam centre
Marks in 12th Standard/Equivalent Exam
(enter if marks are available otherwise enter the marks after the publication of results and save)
Enter your mathematics marks obtained in the 12th Std* Enter your mathematics marks obtained in the 12th Std.
Total Marks* Enter the maximum marks for Mathematics.
Enter your physics marks obtained in the 12th Std* Enter your physics marks obtained in the 12th Std.
Total Marks* Enter the maximum marks for Physics.
Enter your chemistry marks obtained in the 12th Std* Enter your chemistry marks obtained in the 12th Std.
Total Marks* Enter the maximum marks for Chemistry.
Details of the Qualifying Examination
Qualifying Exam* Enter the Qualifying Exam you have undertaken (for ex:HSC).
Register Number* Mention your Register Number of the Qualifying Exam.
Name of the School* Mention the name of your School.
Address of the School* Mention the address of your School.
Month and Year of Passing (For ex:Apr 2010)* Enter the month and year of passing (For Ex Apr 2010).
Family Details
Name of the Father/Guardian* Enter the name of your Father/Guardian.
Parent/Guardian Occupation* Choose the appropriate option from the dropdown.
Parent/Guardian Total Annual Income* Select the Annual Income of your Parent/Guardian from the drop down provided.